Tag Archives: Michael Crichton

A Book That Came Out the Year You Were Born

Last week, I celebrated a somewhat significant milestone in my life — my 25th birthday. Now, as my Dad put it, I’m a quarter of a century old. If I put a little too much thought into it, it’s crazy how much time has passed since good ‘ole 1990. And as it turns out, another book challenge presented itself that fit perfectly with my birthday: “A book that came out the year you were born” (see my latest post: A Book with a Number in the Title). When I began researching books published in my birth year, I unfortunately couldn’t find much of anything that I’d be interested in reading. While I’m trying not to be too picky with this challenge, I couldn’t help but feel I needed to read something special for my birthday. And that’s what led me to choose “Jurassic Park” by Michael Crichton. Despite already having read this in the past, it’s one of my favorite books that just gets better and better with each read. When I was little, I was absolutely terrified of the movie (and rightly so) but after getting over my fear of being eaten alive by dinosaurs, it’s become one of my favorite movies. And while the book and film have many similarities and differences, there are merits to each of them that make it a timeless classic. Either way, the message remains the same in both: the ethical impacts of scientific discovery.

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